herring and beetroot salad

herringI am not a a fan of salads that take weeks to prepare. This herrings salad is easy to make, can be prepared in advance (which makes it even better) and tastes very good. In my humble opinion.

  • marinated herring (vinegar-based, matie)
  • creme fraiche
  • milk
  • onion
  • cooked beetroot (jar)
  • apple (optional)

Cut everything into small-ish, bitesize bits. However, I prefer (both) onion and beetroot cut smaller than the herring. If you are not too sensitive to apple; it gives it a sweet note without being “over the top”.

Add the creme fresh and the milk until everything looks like a proper salad to you. I have to admit, I went slightly overboard with it (see picture.) But what the heck, it was good anyways.

Pepper & salt and you got yourselves a nice lunch. Now we only need the bread from a few months back and we are all set.